private investigator for infidelity

How To Track Boyfriend’s Phone

Your boyfriend, your closest confidant, being entangled in a potential “cheating partner” situation likely tears at your heartstrings. Yet, the persistent feeling of betrayal lurks, leaving you unsettled.

The notion of your boyfriend engaging in infidelity is shattering. Speculating only adds to the anguish. The optimal approach to addressing these suspicions involves exhaustively pursuing the truth.

Is My Partner Cheating?

Social media, dating apps, and the internet as a whole provide individuals with a multitude of opportunities to engage in infidelity.

If you suspect that you’ve joined the ‘partners cheating’ club and your suspicions are valid, it’s essential to determine the nature of the affair.

Partner cheating can take various forms, including physical, emotional, or even micro-affairs.

Physical Cheating is when your partner is having sex with anyone outside of your relationship. This is the most obvious form of cheating. In a relationship, you’ve to decide on what constitutes a physical affair while some partners decide that mere holding of hands or cuddling with someone outside their marriage is cheating.

Emotional Cheating: If your partner develops emotional intimacy with someone outside of your relationship, they may be emotionally cheating on you. This is evident when they choose to share their experiences, whether positive or negative, with this person rather than with you. Emotional cheating can be described as a romantic relationship without physical intimacy.

Micro cheating is relatively a new term that refers to mini-betrayal or almost betrayal such as;

  • Following someone’s  Only Fans
  • Using online sex chats
  • Flirting with someone on any of the social platforms
  • Secretly texting someone you won’t want your partner to know about 
  • And generally, anything a spouse does with someone that is more physically, emotionally or sexually charged than their partner is comfortable with.

A study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry shows that micro affairs are just as emotionally traumatic as physical ones.

Such behavior can cause a decline in the affected partner’s mental health and lower relationship satisfaction.

How To Catch Cheating Partner

Evaluate your suspicions: Before taking any action, carefully consider whether your suspicions are based on concrete evidence or just speculation. Jumping to conclusions without evidence can lead to unnecessary conflict and damage trust in your relationship.

Communicate openly: If you have concerns about your relationship, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Choose a time when you’re both calm and can talk without distractions. Express your feelings and concerns in a non-accusatory manner, and listen to your partner’s perspective.

Look for behavioral changes: While it’s crucial not to jump to conclusions, significant changes in your partner’s behavior or routine could be red flags. These changes might include sudden secrecy with their phone or computer, unexplained absences, increased arguments, or a lack of interest in spending time together.

Gather evidence discreetly (if necessary): If you feel the need to gather evidence to confirm your suspicions, do so discreetly. This could involve keeping a journal of suspicious behaviors, checking phone records (if you have shared access or consent), or using GPS tracking devices (if legal in your jurisdiction). However, be aware that invading your partner’s privacy without consent can have legal and ethical implications.

Hire A Hacker From Polosplit

You can hire a hacker to help you monitor your partner’s online activities through their devices. Hackers can help you catch your cheating partner, hackers can remotely hack into your partner’s phone having access to most if not all of the phone functionality. Depending on how much you are willing to invest you can have a hacker clone your partner’s phone for you, having access to all the information you need to catch them.

You can hire a hacker from Polosploit. They have professional skilled hackers that can help you with your cheating partner. 

Cybergeek is an online platform to hire an account with over 400 satisfied clients. You can create an anonymous account even though your personal information is secured if you choose to use it. There are lots of hack jobs on Polosploit, make sure you go check them out !!!

How It Works:

Initiate Your Request: You can contact us via our official email address ( or through the Live Chat feature on our website. Ensure all necessary information is provided to ensure a seamless onboarding process.

Consultation Process: Upon receiving your request, we’ll connect you with a private investigator and sometimes a hacker depending on the severity of the case. They will create and implement the appropriate strategy moving forward while carrying you along at every stage of the process.

Guaranteed Satisfaction: Once payment is confirmed, our team immediately commences work on your project. We are committed to delivering satisfying results. In the rare event that our services do not meet your expectations, feel free to request a full refund. Your contentment is our priority.

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